The only path to scalable precision medicine: Behavior.


Chris Gregg, PhD

Link: Storyline Grants


Welcome to Storyline where we're working to understand human behavior and make that knowledge useful for everyone. My name's Chris Greg, I'm the CTO at Storyline Health, and I'm also an associate professor of neurobiology at the University of Utah.

I want to talk today about a career tip and give a little advice for trainees coming up in the data science ecosystems and in the precision medicine world. And what I want to tell you is that there is only one real path to massively scalable precision medicine that will work for everyone. And that is creating incredible opportunities, I think, for young people coming up through the universities in different data science, artificial intelligence, and biomedical degrees.

So the first thing to know is that massively scalable precision medicine is not going to come from genome sequencing. It's not gonna come from epigenome sequencing. It's not gonna be expensive, new wearable devices that everybody has to put on, and it's not gonna be microbiome sequencing.

These are all extremely exciting areas, but they're not gonna be the solution for scalable precision medicine. That solution is gonna be smartphones. 70% of people on the planet have a smartphone. And so this is going to be the platform where we need to solve the development of technologies for scalable precision medicine solutions. And what's the richest data that you can capture on a smartphone? It's video, right?

Video is simple. Patients can answer video questions on their own phone anywhere at any time. It's massively scalable because this can all be done over, you know, people's smartphones and then load it into the cloud where the video can be analyzed. It's very clean data.

This quality of the cameras on the phones is very good, and the quality of the audio is also really, really good People's behavior. And the data captured on video is the richest data that we can capture for scalable precision medicine.

There is so much information in how people express themselves in their facial patterns and their speech patterns and their vocal patterns, and of course in what they say.

And it's so flexible. There's so many different things you can do from video data. Storyline has seen this, and we have developed the industry's leading solution for precision medicine using this approach.

Our AI microservices pipeline now captures over 20,000 different micro features from patient videos.

And in the video we can measure Things like pupil dilation and eye tracking and head movement and blood flow, respiration, micro-expressions of the face, and so many other different cool things, the power of the skin.

And more and more and more from speech, we can use powerful speech to text conversion AI algorithms that allow us to make a whole bunch of different measures about what people are saying, what words they use to articulate their answers what they're trying to express, their sentiment.

You know, word complexity, how they articulate different concepts, what they're linked and more and more the different topics they cover. This is incredibly rich data, and then it's not just what you say but how you say it.

And so we measure thousands and thousands of features of from the audio to pick up on things like vocal tremors or emotion in the voice and more and more.

And so storyline has developed an extraordinary solution for analyzing human behavior over a smartphone. And it's incredibly powerful for research, basic research applications and for clinical applications.

You can build powerful diagnostic models now for different mental health disorders, age related disorders build ai supported care pathways that are massively automated and scalable and much, much more.

So if you're a creative young person, this is an incredible opportunity and incredible field to be, be creative and building new technologies that can be applied to this type of data. So massively scalable.

Precision medicine is now possible through the storyline platform. And behavioral AI really is where the future of biomedicine precision medicine is. It's where I would say you should be working.

This is what you should be working on as you're coming up through the system.

And I'm not the only one that thinks that. If you look at the jobs report from LinkedIn in 2021 you can see that some of the very top things on the list are artificial intelligence practitioners, digital health and mental health specialists.

And so you start to bring together these two different ecosystems and you can create a really extraordinary skill set that has a tremendous amount of value in the future. Thank you.

So, Oh, by the way, contact us to learn more about how we support trainees. We've got grant programs, we've got internship programs, We've all kinds of the cool things to help trainees learn this new field. I mean, a lot of the positions we don't even have names for yet.

So it is a really exciting new field. Very cool.

Signing off.



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