Have multiple locations, need custom integrations or enterprise features?


Get a full-feature experience for 10 days, then decide.
Storyline is free to use forever. Simple, easy setup. No risk. No hassles.

Smarter healthcare.

Core Platform Features

Included with every Storyline account.

Patient Communication Tools

Easy to use patient messaging, chat, email notifications, invitations and reminders as well as file transfer, emojis and more.

Automated Telehealth Programs

Automated programs increase patient touches and improves quality of care without additional provider time or staff overhead.

Unlimited Live Telemedicine

Unlimited sessions. No downloads. Advanced features like patient check-in forms, chat, history and note taking.

Easiest telehealth
Automated patient care pathways
Telemedicine patient messaging SMS

Easy consents and agreements

Built-in e-signatures, agreements and informed consent capture lets you easily capture signatures and consents.

Integrated Payments

Accept payments, subscriptions, or co-pays for access to programs and waiting rooms.

Signed BAA - HIPAA compliance

Execute a Business Associates Agreement (BAA) to keep you HIPAA compliant.

telehealth e-signatures & consents
Telemedicine payments
telemedicine contracts BAA

Openstory patient enrollment

Capture new patients and engage existing ones with public self-enrollment tools.

Triggers & Actions

Set automated triggers, notifications and patient routing based on individual responses or actions.

Mobile First

Engage patients on-demand with automated programs via any computer or smart device. Works without the need to download an app.

Openstory patient self enrollment
telehealth triggers and actions

Hardened Security

Meets HIPPA and GDPR data security and is protected with military-grade encryption in transit and at rest.

Storyline Library

Use clinically validated behavioral tests and assessments to inform decisions and track changes over time.

Advanced Analytics

Track your patients interactions and changes over time to increase productivity and care.

Secure Telemedicine
Telehealth data library
Cloud healthcare platform


Can I get a free trial?

Yes. Every account starts with a free Team account so that you can try all of the features and understand the benefits. Then you can decide which account is best for you.

Is the free plan really free?

Yes! Storyline’s free account is not a trial. It’s 100% free and has no time limit — simple as that.

Why isn’t all of Storyline free?

Storyline is a serious piece of infrastructure with clinicians and researchers relying on us to provide rock-solid reliable service for mission critical telehealth needs. Providing these services while improving and maintaining Storyline costs money, and we want to continue providing the kind of reliable service that our customers depend on.

What’s a session?

A session is counted as any live 1-to-1 or automated interaction initiated or engaged through the platform. It does not include system-generated messages, notifications, or chat.

How does pricing work?

Pricing is based on how individual clinicians and clinics work to allow us to provide the most flexibility and keep prices as low as possible. If you don’t see a plan that fits your needs, please get in touch.

Don’t worry. Our limits are extremely generous and you can always check usage and pricing in your account settings.

What is a user? Who needs an account?

In Storyline, users are for anyone who has access to the software. For Team accounts you can assign roles and permissions, so your front desk can manage and communicate with patients while clinicians are able to deliver care. The result is that we keep the ‘user’ price low, allowing you to use accounts in any way that you want.

Is there a discount for non-profits?

Yes. Let’s talk >

Can I change my plan?

Absolutely! Payments are made monthly (or annually for a discounted price) and you can cancel, upgrade, or downgrade at any time! If you downgrade to the free plan, you'll still have access to all basic functionality and be able to all of your existing data.


It’s time to get more intelligent telehealth.

Increase in team productivity.

automated precision care pathways
telemedicine automation personal care programs
telemedicine automation

of patients would recommend us to their primary care physician.

increase in revenue.